Kunming Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Jingkai Area) to develop cross border e-commerce by means of China-Laos railway


Since the opening of the international freight trains of China-Laos Railway, the Investment Company has been able to effectively integrate information across multiple sources to boost cross-border e-commerce by trains.

With the help of Kunming Post Office Customs, Kunming Railway Bureau, Commerce and Financial Service Bureau of Kunming Economic and Technological Development Zone, China United International Rail Containers Co Limited (CUIRC) and the Investment Company, Kunming Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Jingkai Area) conducted the first test for exporting products under cross-border e-commerce (9610 mode) through the international freight trains of China-Laos Railway.

On March 25th, an e-commerce business settled in Kunming Area declared a batch of goods of 89,292 orders of commodities worth 891,351.549 US dollars to Kunming Post Office Customs. Shortly after, these goods were transferred to Thailand by the Lancang-Mekong Express Line of the China-Laos Railway at 8 o'clock on March 26.

The success of this test means that e-commerce businesses settled in Kunming Area can export goods through the international freight trains of China-Laos Railway. Namely, a new situation of developing cross border e-commerce by means of railway transportation is emerging in Jingkai Area.

Click here to view Chinese report

(Editors: Rachel, Christine)

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