CCTV Features Kunming Wild Mushrooms in Over 8 Minutes!

"A Bite of China (Season Four)" has been broadcast. Follow the camera to the Yunnan Mushuihua wild mushroom trading center to experience the exquisite flavors that tantalize the taste buds. Enjoying the thrill of savoring delicacies amidst the risks, and learn about the most beloved "King of Mushrooms" among the people of Yunnan—Thelephora ganbajun.


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Lin Junxi is the expert in selecting the finest mushrooms at the Mushuihua market in Yunnan; he only picks the best, and his customers come from all over the country.


July is the peak season for the "King of Mushrooms"—Thelephora ganbajun. Lin Junxi says, "From the moment the Thelephora ganbajun leaves the soil, it begins a race against time."


At 6 AM, the freshest Thelephora ganbajun arrives at the market, and he and his staff check these products as quickly as possible. By 7:30, the inspection is complete, and he instructs his team to slow down—breaking down the large mushrooms and cleaning them thoroughly.


Once the meticulous cleaning is done, everyone speeds up again.

At 11:30, the "King of Mushrooms" sets off in style. The Thelephora ganbajun harvested in the early morning can reach destinations thousands of miles away by that evening.


The shorter the time the Thelephora ganbajun is away from the soil, the stronger the volatile aromatic flavor. Dishes prepared with it will undoubtedly be the highlight of the season.



Click here to view the Chinese report

(Editors: Jennifer, Reena) 

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