Source: InKunming | 2023-01-06 | Editor:Rachel
Photos taken on Jan. 1, 2023, show the black-necked cranes dancing in the Dashanbao National Nature Reserve for Black-necked Cranes, Zhaotong City in Yunnan Province. In recent years, more than 2,000 black-necked cranes come to spend winter in the nature reserve every year, which makes the reserve the largest number of black-necked cranes’ distribution.
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(Editors: Lexi, Rachel)
On Dec 26, a cold wave hit Dashanbao Nature Reverse of black-necked cranes in Yunnan’s Zhaotong.
The Dashanbao Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve is located in Zhaoyang District, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province. It has become one of the major winteri...
The Dashanbao National Nature Reserve for Black-necked Cranes in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, was established in 2003.
Recently, the number of black-necked cranes migrating to Dashanbao reserve in Zhaotong, Yunnan for overwintering has reached 1,938, setting the highest record f...
According to observation statistics, the first group of black-necked cranes have arrived at Xundian Black-necked Crane Reserve in Yunnan province for winter on ...