Source: InKunming | 2020-11-17 | Editor:Rachel
The detected image was captured by video monitor.
According to observation statistics, the first group of black-necked cranes have arrived at Xundian Black-necked Crane Reserve in Yunnan province for winter on November 9.
Black-necked cranes have arrived at Xundian Black-necked Crane Reserve for winter.
With the help of video monitor, staff of this reserve made a judgement based on the physical characteristics that this group of black-necked cranes consists of three adults birds and one two-year-old young.
Black-necked cranes have arrived at Xundian Black-necked Crane Reserve for winter.
Since the end of October, the reserve staff have made preparations to welcome wintering black-necked cranes. The number of cranes is expected to increase gradually in the following month.
Black-necked cranes have arrived at Xundian Black-necked Crane Reserve for winter.
Click here to view Chinese report
(Editors: Alison,Rachel)