2019 Kunming Int’l Dragon Boat Championship to kick off on Nov. 2


From November 2 to 3, 2019 Kunming Dianchi International Dragon Boat Championship will be held in Dianchi, Kunming. It is the first time that land dragon boat event will be included in the competition. 


Different groups are included, such as 22-people a group and 12-people a group, and the race routes are various from 200 meters to 2,000 meters. Twenty-six dragon boat teams from 18 countries and regions, including Britain, China, France and Malaysia, will compete in the event.


The highlight of this competition is that it is the first time to include land dragon boat race in the world, which runs on the friction between paddle and ice ground. It allows more people from countries and regions without wide water areas to experience and participate in this sport.

Click here to view Chinese report

(Editors: Christine, Rachel)

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