2022-02-14 16:17:53      来源:光明网

2月11日,由北京市人民政府新闻办公室、光明网、中国公共外交协会主办的《外国领导人登长城》系列微视频发布仪式在2022北京新闻中心举行。巴基斯坦驻华大使莫因·哈克(H.E. Mr. Moin ul Haque)以视频致辞的形式祝贺活动顺利举办。



巴基斯坦驻华大使莫因·哈克(H.E. Mr. Moin ul Haque)视频致辞 光明网记者张瑜摄


你好!我是巴基斯坦驻华大使莫因·哈克。非常高兴与大家分享我对《外国领导人登长城》系列微视频的感受。中国的长城因其丰富的历史和民间传说而享誉世界。长城是为数不多的能够代表一个国家历史和身份的纪念丰碑之一。长城是中华民族不屈不挠、开拓创新和卓越建筑的象征。许多巴基斯坦领导人对中国进行正式和国事访问期间都登上了长城。事实上,作为中国的钢铁兄弟,我们通过友好捐赠,在20世纪80年代帮助修复八达岭北六台至七台的一段长城。因此,从这个角度讲,系列微视频的发布非常重要。热烈祝贺北京市政府新闻办公室、光明网和中国公共外交协会共同发布了微视频系列。这不仅有助于珍藏历史和各国元首登上长城的重要记忆,而且还有助于促进各国之间的友谊、合作和团结。 谢谢各位!衷心祝贺!

Nihao! I am Moin ul Haque , the ambassador of Pakistan to China. I’m so happy to share my views on the launch of this mini-micro-series- on the Heads of States Visits to the Great Wall. The Great Wall of China enjoys worldwide fame for its rich history and folklore. It must be one of those few monuments which defines the history and identity of a nation. It is truly a symbol of the unconquerable spirit, innovative genius and architectural excellence of the Chinese nation. Many Pakistani leaders have visited the Wall during their official and state visit to China. In fact, as a mark of Pakistan’s Iron Brotherhood, we played a very humble role in the restoration of the Badaling section of the Wall from Northern Tower Six to Seven in the 1980s. So, in this respect, this initiative is very important and I would like to congratulate the Information Office of the Beijing Municipality, gmw.cn and the China Public Diplomacy (Association) for the launching of this mini micro-video series. It would not only serve in preserving those foreign memories and important memories of the visits of the heads of states, but it would also contribute in promoting friendship, cooperation and solidarity among nations. So, thank you and congratulations!


编辑: 刘欣琳 责任编辑: 曹月