昂帆起航 昆明未来可期
2021-02-11 14:34:35      来源:昆明信息港


The weather is always like that of early spring,


and the flowers bloom all year round.

昆明 云贵高原上的璀璨明珠

Kunming is like a bright pearl on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

在西山龙门远眺 五百里滇池空阔无边

Climbing on the West Mountain, you will be fascinated by the beauty of Dianchi Lake.

这里鲜花盛开 整座城市仿若一个大花园 

The city looks like a big garden as flowers blooming everywhere. 

春有山茶 夏有芙蓉 

You can meet camellias in spring, lotuses in summer,

秋有银杏 冬有早樱

ginkgo in autumn, and cherry blossoms in winter,


which brings you the feeling of spring.

这里四季如春 阳光温暖和煦

There is warm sunshine all year round. 


In the past three decades, the black-headed gulls flying far away from Siberia meet here year in and year out,

30多年从不间断 谱写出人鸥和谐相处的乐章

which has performed a much told story highlighting the harmonious development between human and nature.

这里风光旖旎 大自然的鬼斧神工如诗似画

Kunming has the extraordinary scenery as if done by the spirits of nature.

当一片土地红得炽热 当座座奇石拔地而起

There are the Stone Forest, the iridescent Dongchuan Red Land and so on.

抬头仰望 你已置身彩云之南

These magnificent mountains and rivers make you enjoy yourselves so much as to forget to leave.

昆明 美食与美景一样不可辜负

In Kunming, the food cannot be missed.

对每一位昆明人来说 美食是与家乡道不尽的情愫

For Kunming people, delicious food is just like flavorful nostalgia.

秀才赶考的故事代代相传 和米线一起在鸡汤里翻滚

The legend of rice noodles has been talked from generation to generation.

枝头的鲜花随采随吃 让春天的精彩在唇齿间留香

Various flowers are edible, which bring you the taste of spring.

雨季一到诸菌皆出 空气中一片菌子气味 

All kinds of wild mushrooms come into the market during the rainy season, even the air is full of the smell of mushrooms.

不管你来自何方 一定会被这些美食所折服

No matter where you come from, you will be charmed by these delicacies.


You should visit Kunming at least once,


to taste the most original, the most unique, and the most delicious flavor.

昆明 有最热闹的节日氛围

Kunming is at its most lively during the festival.

每逢春节 一年一度的年货街热闹开市

Spring Festival means a bustling New Year’s shopping bazaar in this city.

蒸糕 火腿 杂糖 饵块

People can buy steamed cakes, ham, sweets and Erkuai,


which feature very unique flavors of Dian’s style. 

灯笼 中国结 春联 福字  

Lantern, Chinese knot, couplets,“Fu”(a symbolic character means good fortune) 


represent people's best wishes for the new year.

街头巷尾龙腾狮跃 敲锣打鼓 

Dragon and lion dancing performers bouncing and leaping, the sounds of gongs and drums echoing everywhere, 

百姓走上街头 祈祷来年风调雨顺

people pray for being blessed over the next year.

当灯市亮起 年岁将近

When night falls, a new year is coming.

与亲人团聚 互道一声春节快乐

People get together with their loved ones, and say Happy Spring Festival.

一年又一年 时代变迁 岁月更替

Year after year,


from the ancient Southern Silk Road


to the strategic junction of today’s “Belt and Road”,

昆明正一步一个脚印 踏实前进

Kunming has always been a place moving forward,


and inspiring people to pursue dreams.

如今 昆明正加快建设立足云南 面向全国

Today Kunming is accelerating its pace to transform itself


into a regional international hub capable of expanding its influence nationwide and to South and Southeast Asia.

多彩的春城蓝图从这里展开 拥抱世界

The colorful blueprints of the Spring City embrace the world,

开放的昆明正成为投资的热土 人才汇集的高地

and make the city become another destination of choice for international investments and talents.


The future of Kunming is promising and boundless,

昂帆起航 昆明未来可期

and you will reap a better like in Kunming.

编辑: 谭石艳 责任编辑: 徐婷