2020-02-15 16:31:46
朱德林是河南省嵩县闫庄镇竹园沟村党支部书记。几天前,他开着一辆卡车,来回20多个小时,将全村一起捐赠的十万斤大葱送到了武汉。“我不害怕,怕什么?防护措施肯定做好。总理都去了,我怕什么。”I wasn’t afraid because many strict protection measures were obviously in place. And Premier Li Keqiang had been there as well.捐葱的主意是一个村民提出来的。朱德林组织开会商议,大家都一致同意往武汉送葱。“武汉很需要我们的葱,因为我们的葱能‘杀菌消炎抗病毒’。”朴实的朱德林这样认为。Wuhan really needs our green onions because they can ward off viruses and bacteria.朱德林说村民们都是用手刨葱,机械用不上。挖葱那天气温是三度,连着三天,只有一天是好天气,还刮着风。挖葱的时候,七十多岁的老太太老大爷都去了,小孩子也帮忙从地里往外拿葱,最后一天邻村的村支部书记也带了一百多个人来给他们帮忙。Even older people in their 70s pitched in. Children also helped. More than 300 people in our village worked together for three days. On the last day the secretary of a neighboring village also brought in more than 100 people from his village to help us. 小彭问这些葱卖的话能卖多少钱,朱德林回答说15万。“现在我们一个人收入能达到每年四五千,所以捐大葱这些村民都愿意。”嵩县位于洛阳市,是中国的贫困县之一。但只要那里的人们找到一个能帮助他人的机会,他们也没有丝毫的犹豫。Song county is in the city of Luoyang, one of the least well-off counties in China, but as soon as people get a chance to help others they do so without hesitation.“咱这地方别的也没什么好东西,葱是最好的。我们还有10万斤葱,如果武汉还有需要,我们还捐。” 林生斌是几年前杭州保姆纵火案的受害者,在那场火灾中,他失去了全部的家人。在那之后,他完全有理由沉浸在痛苦之中。但相反,他选择坚强地生活着,他开始投身公益事业,用他的爱帮助他人,鼓舞他人。In that fire, Lin lost his entire family and no doubt had every reason to be bitter, but instead he got on with his life, becoming a huge inspiration by offering his love and help to others.在这次疫情中,林生斌也经多方联系筹集到5000只口罩。因为担心物流时间长,他还雇了辆车拉回来。他和朋友近期又买了几万个一次性外科口罩,准备支援疫区。林生斌说这次疫情中,很多人都在搜集捐助的物资,包括他身边的朋友。“我觉得这个社会还是充满爱的。有的人做大的事,有的人做小的事,反正我觉得都一样,每个人尽自己的能力都在做,我觉得这就可以了。”I think the world is full of love. At least that’s what I feel. Some people do big things, and some do small things. To my mind they’re all the same. I think it’s fine as long as everyone does their best.灾难给人带来的创伤不可避免,但我们不得不去面对。林生斌说他每天都会做一些自己想做的事情,他觉得这样也是对生活的一种希望。他相信一切都会过去,一切都会好起来。All I can do is get on with life doing things I like doing, which is what makes life meaningful and gives us hope. I’m sure all of these bad things will pass and life will get better.这些年,林生斌得到了很多人的关心,他觉得内心特别温暖。他也在用实际行动将这份温暖传递给更多的人。“现在我觉得当我帮助到别人的时候,我内心也很温暖。”Over the years people have cared for me, and that’s made me feel especially warm. Now I feel that when I help others I feel warm inside as well.张彪是一个参与火神山医院和方舱医院火速修建项目的年轻人,现在他正在自我隔离中。Zhang Biao is a young man who helped to build Huoshenshan hospital and mobile cabin hospitals at lightning-fast speed, and now he’s in self-quarantine.张斌说虽然他们有时候只睡几个小时,但是他们这一群人像“打了鸡血"一样,一天24小时都在前线拼搏着。他当时还带了被子,累了困了在车里面睡一下,醒了又继续战斗。Sometimes we could only sleep for a few hours, but everyone was so fired up. We were on the frontline 24 hours a day. When we were tired we slept in a bus using a quilt we brought ourselves. Almost as soon as we woke it would be back to work again.他说身为建设者,这是他们能做的最大贡献了。他很希望现在的自己是一名医生,他后悔当初没有选择医学专业。小彭安慰他说疫情需要很多工种,建设者们也是不可缺少的。如果不是工作原因,张彪这段时间本来是要去他未婚妻的家乡见女方父母,商量结婚的事情。If it were not for answering the call of duty, Zhang would have gone to his fiancee’s hometown to ask her parents for permission to marry her.“就相当于定个亲嘛。已经说好了的,但是现在就有点放鸽子的感觉,”他笑着说:“但是还好,她爸爸妈妈挺理解的,也叮嘱我等疫情过了再回去。”虽然不能冲在一线治病救人,但是他们也在用自己的方式,尽其所能地帮助他人。这样的举动让他们的生命变得不再平凡。“有时候我们会想,英雄和普通人的区别在哪里。在我眼中,这些人就是我们平凡生活中的伟大英雄,他们竭尽所能帮助并充盈着他人的人生。”"We may sometimes wonder what distinguishes heroes with ordinary people. What makes these people so special. For me is the very fact that they mix the heroic with the ordinary by doing what they can to enrich others."他们的存在就像一束束微小却温暖的光,穿过层层阴霾,让我们看到希望,相信人间美好。“在现在这个艰难的时刻,这些平凡而闪着光的人给了我们爱这个世界的理由。”"Even in troubled times like this, these people give us countless reasons to celebrate life."在这场战“疫”中,还有许多凡人善举让我们看到人性的光辉。说说你看到的故事,哪些让你感受到了温柔和暖意。