Two PSESP bloom for the first time in Kunming


Kwangsi Erythropsis(Erythropsis kwangsiensis)


Magnolia phanerophlebia

Recently, Kwangsi Erythropsis and Magnolia phanerophlebia flower for the first time in Kunming Botanical Garden of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, which means that the ex situ conservation of them achieves initial success. 

Kwangsi Erythropsis, or Erythropsis kwangsiensis, is a kind of deciduous tree with a height of 10 meters. It is endemic to Guangxi and has attracted much attention due to its small number of individuals. It has already been included in Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations (PSESP) in China that urgently need to be protected. 

Magnolias phanerophlebia is a species of plant in the family Magnoliaceae. Because of the destruction of its habitat, it is only distributed sporadically in Yunnan province of China, and is listed as a Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations (PSESP) that urgently need to be protected. 

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(Editors: Alison, Christine)

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