Yunnan Changning: Savoring Spring's Delights

With the sun shining and the kapok flowers blooming, it's the time of year again for the people of Changning County to indulge in their annual tradition of "eating" spring.

In the Yilin Community of Kasi Town, Changning County, villagers like Nan Cuifang gather with their friends to make freshly picked kapok flowers into a variety of delectable dishes. These dishes have become local favorites from stir-fried kapok flower buds with cured meat to chilled kapok flower petals with chives and Dai-style sour soup with kapok flowers.

Yet, kapok flowers are just the beginning of Changning's spring culinary delights. White egret flowers, ferns, Crateva unilocularis, Chinese toon leaves, and more will find their way onto Changning locals' plates, bringing a burst of springtime flavor to their meals.


Villagers picking kapok flowers


Villagers selecting kapok flowers


Villagers gathering for a kapok flower feast


Chilled kapok flower petals


Stir-fried kapok flower buds with cured meat


Kapok flower banquet


Blooming kapok flowers


Handpicked kapok flowers

Click here to view Chinese report

(Editors: Amy, Ines)

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