Baoshan City Get Breeding Information of Coot For The Tirst Time


Recently,staff at Baoshan Qinghuahai National Wetland Reserve have monitored two matured coots and 5 birdlings enjoying themselves among the Nymphoides peltatum for the first time,which makes the second bird to breed at Baoshan City.

The monitor record shows birdlings have a few orange hairs on their little red heads, and their little eyes and jumbled feathers even add more loveliness to those little elves.

Coot is a large black waterbird which has a conspicuous white tapered beak and forehead, so it is also called white coot, and its feathers are mostly dark black and gray. Coots are widely distributed in many regions of China.They overwinter mainly in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Philippines,and often breed at lakes and streams in northern China when it comes to summer.

Click here to view Chinese report

(Editors: Sam, Alison)

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