A foreigner student’s experience during COVID-19 Outbreak in Kunming

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many foreigners still choose to stay in China, including some overseas students from various countries. Hence how do they spend their life in school? What do they think of the COVID-19? Sazal Ahmed from Bangladesh is studying at Southwest Forestry University. He sent a letter to InKunming to express his feelings toward teachers and China and express his confidence in Chinese people of overcoming COVID-19.

Here comes Sazal Ahmed’s letter:


One evening in the previous month before the outbreak of COVID-19, I came to my room as usual to study and then had dinner.I was not aware that the  COVID-19 was already underway.Suddenly the next morning one of my teachers informed me about COVID-19 spreading from food market in Wuhan.So from then on we had to keep ourselves safe and wear mask when we go outside and avoided places where so many people gathered.Southwest Forestry University (SWFU)began to launch measures to prevent and control the epidemic. 


Several days ago,the Kunming Municipality Health Commission came to our school and gave some advice on how to protect ourselves safely. 


I saw something on newspaper that it was so severe like Ebola. I took precautionary measures like washing hands using hand-wash liquid.I was also aware that, this virus transmit from human to human.Therefore it became a challenge for people to contain it rapidly and effectively. I was so scared.This epidemic period  I thought it was really  important to keep the virus under control.


In the past one and half months,the International College at SWFU took measures to protect us from the infection. Teachers also reminded us to stay in our dormitory room and make the best use of free time to study more. So I didn’t waste my time anymore and prepare for hsk5(Chinese language proficiency test level 5). Mostly I want to give thanks to our teachers for standing beside us at this hard moment and working hard to keep us safe from this virus.They provide protective items such as masks, thermometers, disinfectants and food as well as eggs. Besides the university provides free lunch and supper to every resident international student on campus. 



I  thought that for day and night ,the teachers didn’t sleep well for protecting all of us the same way as they loved their children. It really surprised and moved me .The Dean, Vice Dean often visited us in dormitories and asked us if we had any problem they could help to solve.

During this period,I worked as a volunteer and tired my best to help and guide other international students as much as possible. 



Teachers always help us with solving problems timely and give us support to go through the hardship during the epidemic. 


For a certain moment during this epidemic,some people think the virus is going kill most people.And I saw some people comment on some online newspaper that they think now China is unsafe and the whole China is affected by the virus.But I am here and I am not afraid of getting along with the Chinese people around me.On the other hand,I believe that China is very responsible.The Chinese people are working so hard for protecting everyone who gets sick.

Those people who are reading this kind of news should realize that they don’t  need to fear during this epidemic period.The quarantine measures implemented by the Chinese government  is useful.  

I am really thankful to all the doctors and nurses who are working hard in this epidemic period.Talking about the current situation of China I want to say that this epidemic situation is getting better for some infected people who are now being treated with the best means the country could offer. I believe that they will be recovered soon.

And we must be united to prevent the virus from spreading. We shouldn’t believe in rumors.China is not alone in this battle. The whole world will stand beside China for the fight against the virus. Surely, we will win the battle in the end.


The epidemic period will over and everything will be normal again and everyone will lead a happily life.


Stay strong Wuhan and stay strong China .We are always with you.I Love China,I Love SWFU. (Author:Sazal Ahmed) 

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(Editors:Rachel, Christine)

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