Ticket price for Potatso National Park to drop to 190 yuan from Jul. 15


[InKunming--Yunnan] From July 15th on, the full-price ticket of Potatso National Park (also called Pudacuo National Park) in Yunnan will be reduced from 258 yuan per person to 190 yuan per person. Two more ecological experiencing routes will be added then. The ticket of Bitahai Lake will be adjusted to 106 yuan for each person while the the price of sightseeing tourist car (80 Yuan) remains the same as before.

In details, the two ecological experiencing lines are Shudugang River bank hiking and cultural experience of primitive nomadic tribes on the northern of Shudu Lake. The total length of the new route is about 8.5 kilometers. In other words, it takes 4.5 to 6 hours for people to hike while sightseeing. At that time, 3 hiking routes will be available for tourists at Potatso National Park.  

Besides, the Tourism Development Committee of Diqing State released a notice. On the journey to Diqing State, tourists are supposed to choose qualified travel agencies, hotels, scenic spots, shopping shops, tour guides and tourist cars in case of unpleasant things happened. If there is something violating law or regulations, people can call complaints telephone 0887 - 8882222 or 12301.

Click here to view Chinese report. 

(Editors: Rachel, Christine)


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