Source: InKunming | 2017-09-20 | Editor:
[InKunming--Kunming] Dianchi Lake will usher in its fishing season from September 30th. It will separate into two stages where fish-men can catch huge fishes, salangid fishes and shrimps.
It is the 6th year of Dianchi Lake to be opened for fishing, and it is the 2nd time to catch fishes in two stages since 2012. This year, the first stage will start from September 30th to October 11th. Those who own fishing licenses in Dianchi lake are permitted to use legal tools to catch big fishes except salangid fishes and shrimps. The second stage will from October 16th to November 20th when fish-men can use fish nets to catch salangid fishes and shrimps.
It is the longest time for Dianchi Lake to be opened for fishing throughout the history. It is estimated that people can catch about 11000 tons fishes and shrimps this year.
Fishing licenses permit system will be implemented this year. All the fishing boats have to get registered and inspected at the Yunnan Fishing Vessel Inspection Bureau Inspection Office.
The fishing time of Dianchi Lake will end until October 11th. After that, nobody is allowed to fish any more. Fish-men may call the following numbers for help if there is any safety problems during the fishing process.
Baiyukou or Longwang temple: 68581699、68426958
Xishan District:68185843
Guandu District:64317166
Chenggong District:67491271
Jinning County District:67804211
Click here to view the Chinese report.
(Editors:Rachel, Tracy)