E-commerce experts share experience in Yunnan

[InKunming--Yunnan] Think-Tank Art Space 108 in Kunming held an e-commerce experience sharing fair on Aug 5.

The fair was an activity of the 2016 Yunnan Cultural Industry Expo to develop Yunnan's e-commerce industry.

A jade manufacturer's general manager shared his experience of maintaining a rising turnover since 2013 when most of Yunnan's jewelry companies were suffering badly from the economic downturn.

He said he uses the Internet to publicize his products in the context of Yunnan’s profound jade culture and has successfully attracted a huge number of customers.

He added that several online channels including Taobao, Alibaba, individual videos and WeChat can greatly promote sales volume.

E-commerce not only boosts sales of jade, it also relieves Yunnan's severe ticket-booking problem by offering online ticket reservation platforms, and, according to a webmaster of the Chinese Hani ethnic group, is an excellent tool for developing Yunnan's cultural industry.

The webmaster added that China should learn from the US strategy in developing its cultural industry.

US companies such as Disney and Focus receive over ten billion dollars' annual revenue thanks to their cultural products' focus on emotions. The US keeps developing new products under the same classic cultural subject while China usually stops digging further into a culture’s hidden potential.

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