Nuohei Village in Yunnan: a village built by stones

Stone buildings in Nuohei Village are built down hillsides. []

Stones witnessed changes of life in Nuohei Village. [Yunnan,cn]

Villagers in folk costume perform their traditional dance in Nuohei Village. []

[InKunming--Yunnan]  Nuohei Village, is not only a village inhabited by Yi ethnic group, but also a place full of art of stones that tourists should not miss.

History of Nuohei Village could be traced back to 600 years ago. Located at Guishan Town of Shilin Yi Autonomous County, Nuohei Village is featured with karst landform. Limestone could be found everywhere in the village.

Villagers used these limestone to build houses for centuries. Data showed that 98% houses in the village are built by stones. Hundreds of old houses, which have a history of more than one hundred years, are still preserved in the village.

Nuohei Village was renowned as Elves of Stones. []

A model takes photo in Nuohei Village. []

Picture shows full view of Nuohei Village. []

Houses, yards and squares are all connected by flagstone roads. Old trees and bushes distributed along these roads, contribute a marvelous scenery that is full of vitality.

The grandest festival in Nuohei Village is Mizhi Festival, which is a festival of fete for Sani people to pray for harvest and prosperity. Mizhi Festival will fall on the New Year’s Day, the first day in 2015.

Intended tourists could go to Nuohei Village to attend the festival on that day, and travel in Guishan National Forest Park, which is not far away from the village.

(Editors: Tracy, Cathy Chen)

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