Musical drama Dance on Mountains under Clouds to show ethnic culture of Miao people

Performers from Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture present a dance on the second artistic performance of Yunnan's ethnic groups, Sept 26, 2013. [Xinhua]

Dancers from Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture present a dance on the second Yunnan’s ethnic groups cultural performance, Sept 26, 2013. [Xinhua]

A large-sized musical drama Dance on Mountains under Clouds was put on stage in Yunnan Provincial Song and Dance Theatre last night(September 26).

Fiver years ago, the drama was staged for the first time in Shanghai International Festival of Arts.

Wenshan Ethnic Culture Corps arranged the whole drama. Wenshan is a Yunnan’s south-eastern prefecture where live 11 ethnic groups like Miao, Yi, Yao and Buyi people.

According to the corps, content of drama Dance on Mountains under Clouds originates from folk life of Wenshan’s nationalities who get used to ploughing at sunrise and resting at sunset. Quintessence of Wenshan’s nationalities has been blended into music, dances, settings, props, and clothes of the drama.

The drama was divided into five chapters, "Prologue", "Merry Songs on Mountains", "Lingering Charms of Mountains", "Dance under Clouds on Mountains", and "Bronze Drums Sounded".

Audience can appreciate colorful nationalities of Yunnan province through watching this drama.

Dancers from Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture present a dance on the second Yunnan's ethnic groups cultural performance, Sept 26, 2013.[Xinhua]

The drama shows Wenshan's nationalities live an idle and elegant life on mountains. []

Happy songs resound through the mountains. []

Wenshan's nationalities plough in the spring and harvest in the autumn. []

Characters of Wenshan's nationalities are as deep as mountains, and are as tender as water. []

Dancers from Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture present a dance on the second Yunnan's ethnic groups cultural performance, Sept 26, 2013.[]

                         (Editors: Cathy Chen, Ryan Li, Lynn)

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