Kunming's house rent 8% to 15% up this year

The house rent in Kunming has been 8 percent to 15 percent up since last Spring Festival in February, according to a survey among real estate agencies in the city.

The price of house leasing has been rising this year. "I just rent out my apartment. It was 1,000 yuan a month before. Now, it is 1,400 yuan a month." Yang has a 50-square-meter apartment in southern urban area. She told the reporter that the rental stood at 1,000 yuan a month two years ago. Since the price of everything has gone up generally, she hiked up the price when the last rent was due.

The 44-continuous leasing growth is caused by several factors on a basis of an analysis from a market research. There are more work opportunities and social resources in the first and second-tier cities, resulting in the concentrated housing demand. The home-purchase restrictions also raised up the rent price.

Bian Dongxiao, a manager in a real estate company in the city, said the housing price is comparatively stable in Kunming. Some factors may lead to the renters’ number grow, for instance, college students’ graduation from school, alien workers’ arrival, parents’ accompany with children studying near school. Besides, the price mounts due to the rise of CPI. (Editors:Lynn, Cathy Chen)

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