Source: InKunming | 2013-09-10 | Editor:
Raccoon is known as the most intimate wild animal with human beings. [Provided to InKunming]
Raccoon is known as the most intimate wild animal with human beings. [Provided to InKunming]
A raccoon family composed of 48 raccoons and 6 generations will reunite in their new habitat ---Yunnan Wildlife Park before the Mid-autumn Day.
The raccoon family is expected to be opened to visitors on September 16, after they moving into their new habitat on a slope near the swan lake. Henceforth, local residents can go deep into the raccoon family and in close contact with them without obstacles in Yunnan Wildlife Park. The contact form and the amount of the raccoon are both second to none in China.
According to the Yunnan Wildlife Park, 2 male and 4 female raccoons settled in Kunming from North America in 2004. Over several years’ reproduction, the raccoon family members have enlarged from 6 to 48, with 6 generations living together.
Raccoon are originated in North and Central America. They are meek and cute. They are also crowned to be the most intimate wild animal with human beings.