Yunnan Wildlife Park to open at night from August 10

A slow loris eats bread at Yunnan Wildlife Park located in Kunming. []

Yunnan Wildlife Park will open at night in Kunming, which will provide the visitors with fabulous evening explorations starting from August 10.

The area of the night wildlife park is about 1,500 mu. Many nocturnal animals will be in visitors’ sight, including owls, wolves, flying squirrels, nighthawks, night herons, leopard cats, coral snakes, and kraits.

Some animals tend to rest under trees and not willing to move around in the daytime. However, they are much more active at night, when visits can see their completely different behaviors.

There are no more than 10 night zoos throughout the world. However, Yunnan wildlife park is the only explorative montanic night wildlife park, thus allows the visitors to observe animals’ behaviors at night in an exploratory way, and breaks the normal visiting forms of other night zoos, which display the animals in immobilized cages.

Ticket price for the night wildlife park will be the same as the price in the daytime.

A boa in the water.[]

The owl []

Editors: Tracy, Lynn

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