Tourist-dedicated train to connect Stone Forest, Shanghai

Two tourist-dedicated trains, K181 and K182 , will connect Shilin, known as the Stone Forest Scenic Spot in Yunnan, and Shanghai recently, according to a press conference of a tourism group.

The Shilin(石林号), a passenger train, passes through the eastern, central, southern and southwestern China via Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. The whole journey takes about 48 hours.

"The tourist-dedicated train is one of our promotion methods. It will provide a more connivent transporting route for tourists living outside Yunnan." said Zhang Pengxiang(张鹏翔), a senior official in the tourism group.

The Stone Forest Geopark is situated in Shilin Yi Autonomous County. It is well-known in the country for the karst geological landform as its main geological heritage. (Editors:Lynn, Tracy)

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