Kunming to start water rationing from March 1

Same as last year, Kunming will start water rationing during the high-usage hours between 4pm and 8pm (20 hours), from March 1.

The water supply of the relevant buildings between Dongfeng Road and Beijing Road will be suspended between 9pm (March 1) to 5pm (March 2), with a total of 20 hours. Mainly covers Zhenzhuang Guest House, the Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Building, Horizon Hotel, Shangyi Street, Kunming Hotel, Beijing Road (from East Renmin Road to South Ring Road), Shuangtang Road, and Wujin Road.

Related news:

Qingshuihai Reservoir will start providing 250,000 cubic meters of water every day in Kunming, beginning on March 1. The water storage of three main reservoirs (Yunlong, Songhuaba and Qingshuihai) provide 95 percent of water for the city’s urban areas.

Moreover, a construction of water diversion that transfers water from Niulanjiang River (牛栏江) is expecting to be competed in June.

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